
Piastra di fissaggio angolare con nervatura

Le piastre di fissaggio angolari rinforzate sono adatte per applicazioni strutturali in case con struttura in legno e intelaiature.

Marquage CE
Classe service 2
Acier galvanisé Z275

Dettagli del prodotto




  • Pre-galvanised mild steel.


  • Rinforzato
  • Applicazioni multiple


Utilizzabile su

  • Supporting member: solid wood, glued-laminated wood, concrete, steel, etc.
  • Supported member: solid wood, composite lumber, glued-laminated wood, triangular trusses, profiles, etc.

Campi di utilizzo

  • Fissaggio di piccole capriate
  • Piastre di rivestimento, montanti di rivestimento
  • Ancoraggi per travi, mensole, testate, ecc.

Dati tecnici


Product dimensions

Codici Product dimensions [mm] Holes flange A Holes flange B Box Quantity
A B C t Ø5 Ø11 Ø11x34 Ø5 Ø11

Simplified characteristic capacities - Beam/beam assembly, max nailing - Connection with 2 brackets

Codici Simplified product capacities - Timber beam to timber beam – Max. nailing
Fasteners Simplified characteristic capacities - Timber C24 - 2 angle brackets per connection [kN]
Flange A Flange B R1.k* R2.k = R3.k
Qty Qty CNA4.0x35 CNA4.0x50 CNA4.0x35 CNA4.0x50

* The published characteristic capacity is based on short term load duration and service class 2 according to EC5 (EN 1995) – kmod = 0.9. For other load duration and service class, please refer to the ETA to get more accurate capacities

To obtain the resistance values for a single bracket, the values in the above table should be divided by two, provided that the supported beam is locked in rotation. Please consult our ETA-06/0106 if the beam is free to rotate.

Simplified characteristic capacities - Beam/beam assembly, min nailing - Connection with 2 brackets

Codici Simplified product capacities - Timber beam to timber beam - Min. Nailing
Fasteners Simplified characteristic capacities - Timber C24 - 2 angle brackets per connection [kN]
Flange A Flange B R1.k* R2.k = R3.k
Qty Qty CNA4.0x35 CNA4.0x50 CNA4.0x35 CNA4.0x50

* The published characteristic capacity is based on short term load duration and service class 2 according to EC5 (EN 1995) – kmod = 0.9. For other load duration and service class, please refer to the ETA to get more accurate capacities

To obtain the resistance values for a single bracket, the values in the above table should be divided by two, provided that the supported beam is locked in rotation. Please consult our ETA-06/0106 if the beam is free to rotate.

Characteristic capacities - Beam/beam assembly, max nailing - Connection with 2 brackets

Codici Product capacities - Timber beam to timber beam - Max nailing
Fasteners Characteristic capacities - Timber C24 - 2 angle brackets per connection [kN]
Flange A Flange B R1.k R2.k = R3.k
Qty Qty CNA4.0x35 CNA4.0x50 CNA4.0x35 CNA4.0x50
E9/2.512145.1 / kmod^(-0.1)8.5 / kmod^(-0.1)9.513

To obtain the resistance values for a single bracket, the values in the above table should be divided by two, provided that the supported beam is locked in rotation. Please consult our ETA-06/0106 if the beam is free to rotate.

Characteristic capacities - Beam/beam assembly, min nailing - Connection with 2 brackets

Codici Product capacities - Timber beam to timber beam - Min. nailing
Fasteners Characteristic capacities - Timber C24 - 2 angle brackets per connection [kN]
Flange A Flange B R1.k R2.k = R3.k
Qty Qty CNA4.0x35 CNA4.0x50 CNA4.0x35 CNA4.0x50
E9/2.5862.0 / kmod^(-0.2)3.4 / kmod^(-0.2)6.68.9

* The published characteristic capacity is based on short term load duration and service class 2 according to EC5 (EN 1995) – kmod = 0.9. For other load duration and service class, please refer to the ETA to get more accurate capacities

To obtain the resistance values for a single bracket, the values in the above table should be divided by two, provided that the supported beam is locked in rotation. Please consult our ETA-06/0106 if the beam is free to rotate.

Characteristic capacities - Post/beam assembly - Connection with 2 brackets

Codici Product capacities - Timber post to timber beam
Fasteners Characteristic capacities - Timber C24 - 2 angle brackets per connection [kN]
Flange A Flange B R1.k R2.k = R3.k
Qty Qty CNA4.0x35 CNA4.0x50 CNA4.0x35 CNA4.0x50

To obtain the resistance values for a single bracket, the values in the above table should be divided by two, provided that the supported beam is locked in rotation. Please consult our ETA-06/0106 if the beam is free to rotate.

Characteristic capacities - Beam/rigid support assembly - Connection with 2 brackets

Codici Product capacities - Timber to rigid support
Fasteners Characteristic capacities - Timber C24 - 2 angle brackets per connection [kN]
Flange A Flange B R1.k
Qty Type Qty Type CNA4.0x35

* Refer to Characteristic Capacity table columns for type of fasteners that can be used in Flange A. Capacities vary depending on fastener type used.

The bolt design resistance requirement R#,d is determined from (bolt factor x connection design load F#,d) for the required load direction and fastener. Refer to the Simpson Strong-Tie anchor product range for suitable anchors. Typical anchor solutions are BOAXII, SET-XP, WA, AT-HP, depending on the concrete type, spacing and edge distances.

To obtain the resistance values for a single bracket, the values in the above table should be divided by two, provided that the supported beam is locked in rotation. Please consult our ETA-06/0106 if the beam is free to rotate.




Su legno:

  • Chiodi ad anello CNA diam. 4,0 x 35 o diam. 4,0 x 50 mm.
  • Viti CSA diam. 5,0 x 35 mm o viti CSA diam. 5,0 x 40 mm.
  • Bulloni.
  • Viti LAG.

Su calcestruzzo:

Substrato in calcestruzzo

  • Ancorante meccanico: perno WA M10-78/5 O WA M12-104/5.
  • Ancorante chimico: resina AT-HP + barra filettata LMAS M10-120/25.

Substrato in mattone cavo

  • Ancorante chimico: resina AT-HP o POLY-GP + barra filettata LMAS M10-120/25 + schermo SH M16-130

Su acciaio:

  • Bulloni


  1. Approcher l’élément à fixer du support,
  2. Pointer l’élément. Celui-ci peut aussi être vissé à l’aide de vis adaptées,
  3. Si le support est en bois, l’équerre est aussi pointée ou vissée sur celui-ci,
  4. Si le support est en béton, fixer l’équerre en respectant les préconisations de pose de l’ancrage choisi.

Consiglio tecnico

Informazioni tecniche

F1: forza di trazione nell'asse centrale della staffa angolare

Situazione particolare di fissaggio con una sola staffa angolare:

  • Se la struttura complessiva impedisce la rotazione dell'arcareccio o del montante, la resistenza a trazione è pari alla metà del valore indicato per due staffe angolari.
  • Diversamente la resistenza di connessione dipende dalla distanza “f” tra la superficie di contatto verticale e il punto di applicazione del carico.

F2 e F3: forza laterale di taglio

Situazione particolare di collegamento con una sola staffa angolare:

  • Il valore di resistenza da considerare è pari alla metà di quello indicato per due staffe angolari.

F4 e F5: forza trasversale diretta verso o in direzione opposta alla staffa angolare

  • La resistenza di connessione dipende dalla distanza “e” tra la base dell'angolare ed il punto di applicazione del carico.
  • Per consultare i carichi corrispondenti, contattateci

In questo foglio sono presenti solo le forze F1, F2 e F3 per le connessioni con 2 staffe angolari.

Per ulteriori informazioni, contattaci.

Certificati di idoneità

Media - Product File: DoP

Media - Product File: ETA

eta-06-0106.pdf (13.43 MB)

Acquista dal distributore

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Simpson Strong-Tie Italy

Simpson Strong-Tie Italy

c/o Friulsider SPA
Via Trieste, 1
33048 San Giovanni al Natisone UD